The oil and gas industry is saddled with the addiction feature, and it has been known to be responsible for the obliteration of lives.
People who venture into the oil and gas industry have one goal, and that is to make sure that their lives and that of their families get better. However, they do not know that addiction lurks in the corner waiting to overpower them.
People who work in the oil and gas industry cannot totally take the fall for it. The reason for this is because of the stressful working conditions that come with the oil and gas industry.
There is a lot to consider in order to make sure that they perform optimally. The oil industry is a wealthy one, and this is hinged on the volume of oil and gas produced on a regular basis.
Therefore, these workers need to work overtime to make sure they meet up with the ever-growing demand. As you would expect, these workers are paid handsomely because of what they put themselves through.
Sadly, some of them die in the process because they are unable to cope, while some of them retire sooner than expected.
The common types of addiction in the oil and gas industry is alcohol and drug addiction.
There are other forms of addiction that oil workers face like sex, video gaming addiction and the likes, but those addiction types need time and dedication. For alcohol and drugs however, they are substances that can be taken at any time.
Oil workers need to take care of their stress-filled lives, and this is why they abuse alcohol and drugs. With time, their addiction problem becomes worse, and there is a decline in their productivity at work.
There is an important call for more concern in the oil and gas industry. Addicted individuals need to be given prompt attention in order to make sure that they get back on their feet. For an increase in productivity, oil workers need to be of a sound mind and clean bill of health.